Christopher Mathie

Intimacy of Being   48 x 36 Mixed Media $3,500

Good Yields   48 x 48 Mixed Media $4,200

Chambers of Ourselves   24 x 48 Mixed Media $2,400

Distillation   24 x 48 Mixed Media $2,400

Essence of the Seashore   24 x 48 Mixed Media $2,400

In Love With the Coast   24 x 48 Mixed Media $2,400

Sea Sky III    30 x 30 Mixed Media $2,100

Fresh From the Market   12 x 30 Mixed Media $1,200

Instinct to Thrive   60 x 40  Mixed Media on canvas  $4,400

Kingfisher    30 x 30 Mixed Media $2,100

Kingfisher II   30 x 48 Mixed Media $3,000

Sneaky Crow     60 x 30 Mixed Media $3,800

Woodland Intrigue    48 x 48 Mixed Media $4,200

Shake It Off    48 x 48 Mixed Media $4,200

Christopher Mathie has been represented by galleries from New York to Washington State, and has developed a signature style with emphasis on deconstructing images to their most important lines and organic forms. He strives to capture energetic movement, intense emotion and suggestive shapes essential to communicate his ideas in paint.


"Painting, to me, is a practice... kind of like meditation. Some days you get somewhere, some days it is just the act of painting, moving, mixing and being. The results are not important... it is the act of doing that matters. The rewards will come in spirit, in strength, in healing. And sometimes you will have a good painting too, the rest get painted over."

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120 Park Lane, Suite D

Kirkland ,WA 98033